To bring a CCH TV campaign to your Diocese
Thank you for your interest collaborating with us in this apostolic mission of spreading the good news of Jesus and His Church to the ends of the earth. We are blessed to serve partner dioceses with our successful Catholics Come Home multimedia evangelization initiative!
This section of our website is designed to help answer most of your questions regarding implementing this evangelism campaign in your diocese. Now that we’ve launched Catholics Come Home (CCH) campaigns in other dioceses, we are able to help you plan for success more easily.
Please know that we are NOT a vendor. We are partnering with select dioceses strategically to work towards our ultimate goal of airing CatholicsComeHome.org TV ads nationally and consistently to reach as many souls as possible.
The Impact of Catholics Come Home
In Lent 2008, the Diocese of Phoenix launched a CatholicsComeHome.org test campaign, which aired over 1,000 CCH television ads over the course of a few weeks, and directed viewers to our interactive website, and ultimately home to their local parish. As a result:3.5 Million viewers in the greater Phoenix TV area saw the commercials during Lent 2008.
- The Diocese of Phoenix conducted a longitudinal study, 7 months after the campaign aired, to verify the final results. Overall, the diocese reported an average parish Mass attendance increase of 12%, which amounts to as many as 92,000 inactive Catholics returning to the faith, as well as new converts joining the Church.View Full Story.
- Traffic to the Diocesan website increased nearly 20% during the commercial campaign.
- Many parishes reported immediate increases in Mass attendance, amounting to 15,000 initial returnees.
- Pastors reported increased attendance at Lenten Communal Penance Services, and hundreds of confessions inspired by the commercials.
- Research showed that 90% of inactive Catholics drifted from faith due to social influences, not to doctrinal issues.
- Nearly 1,000 people were involved in parish catechetical programs for Returning Catholics within 6 months of the commercials being aired. Adult Faith Formation programs aimed at sharing their faith with others reported a 20-30% increase in participation.