I’m A Parishioner
Thank you for your enthusiasm for “Catholics Come Home” and passion for our beautiful Catholic faith.
Our ultimate goal is to run a national, ongoing CatholicsComeHome.org ad campaign on secular media (goal date for national campaign: Advent 2010). As a first step, we are currently focusing on working with Dioceses to launch diocesan-wide campaigns in 2009/2010. If you would like such a campaign in your diocese, if you will please get in contact with your Bishop's office to see if they are interested in having the CatholicsComeHome.org ad campaign in your Diocese, and if so have the Director of Evangelization or someone in the Bishop’s office contact our office directly.
Some resources/elements of our program that you could incorporate into your parish, and ways parishes can help support the CatholicsComeHome.org advertising effort are:
- List our website (www.CatholicsComeHome.org) in your local newspaper so people can view the site at home, and perhaps be inspired to return back to the faith, and the returning Catholics program at your Church.
- Get our CCH website added into your bulletin encouraging parishioners to contribute so that we can work towards our national tv ad campaign
- Contact your local Diocesan newspaper to write an article about CatholicscomeHome.org
- Order “CatholicsComeHome.org Evangelization Cards” for your parishioners to hand-out to their families/friends who are away from the Church to inspire them to visit our website on their own time, in hopes that it will stimulate them to return back to the parish for a program such as yours.
- Order CatholicsComeHome.org DVD from our site and show the ads at the end of Mass for educational purposes - showing these ads is a great way to get your parishioners excited about evangelizing, and sharing the CatholicsComeHome.org website with those away from the faith.
- Order a CatholicsComeHome.org car magnet and evangelize during traffic.
If you will please share our Catholics Come Home site with your friends and parish community, donations of all sizes are a key factor to getting these ads running nationally to bring home our fallen-away brothers and sisters through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Your support will allow us to:
- Help bring struggling souls, including friends and relatives back to the Church
- Be part of a united Catholic effort to influence our culture and re-Christianize our secular society
- Act on Jesus’ call for us to fulfill our Christian duty to evangelize and “go therefore and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:19)
- Keep these high quality, educational and inspirational Catholic messages on the air on popular channels and programs where thousands of viewers are watching.
We appreciate your prayers and support. If you or someone you know would like to support the national ad campaigns of Catholics Come Home, submit a donation online.